Research Reports and Publications

Urban Resilience and Sustainability Plan

Year: 2020
Location: Makurdi, Benue State – Nigeria
Client: Federal Ministry of Works and Housing

This project was initiated on a premise to reduce the vulnerability of Makurdi, mitigate the existing impacts of climate change, and propose sustainability plans to make Makurdi more resilient. The Consultants involved studied various aspects of human activities and interactions within the urban fabric which led to the preparation of Urban Resilience and Sustainability Plan to Mitigate Climate Change Effects for Makurdi.

The essence of the study was to investigate and analyse human activities and trends that generate negative impacts of climate change in Makurdi with a view to making plans and recommendations for mitigating them. The tasks were undertaken by collecting relevant physical, environmental and socio-economic data/information through questionnaire survey, interviews, field observations, and photography.

For ease of analysis and comprehension, the town was segregated into four sectors namely Idye, Wadata, Kanshio and North Bank, constituting eleven wards. The study examined the growth and development patterns of these sectors, analysed the socio-economic characteristics of the population and reviewed major disasters, shocks and stresses experienced over the years as well as the responses of the population to them. 

The study assessed the level of resilience and sustainability using relevant parameters. It established that the town’s level of resilience is low and identified the appropriate stakeholders in different sectors who should contribute to improving the resilience of the town. The study concluded with the measures and recommendations to improve the sustainability and resilience of Makurdi to the effects of climate change with a work plan and an estimated budget for implementation.

Urban Resilience and Sustainability Plan

Year: 2020
Location: Lokoja, Kogi State – Nigeria
Client: Federal Ministry of Works and Housing

The preparation of Urban Resilience and Sustainability Plan to Mitigate the Effects of Climate Change for Lokoja was commissioned by the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing with the aim of assisting the Government of Kogi State with such technical services to curb the menace of challenges due to climate change. 

In furtherance of its mandate, the Federal Ministry of Works and Housing Messrs. Bulamari Global Services Limited was commissioned to study the impacts of Climate Change on Lokoja and prepare resilience and sustainability plan to mitigate them. This is with a view to facilitating the provision of decent human environment for living, working and recreation which meet the requirements of safety, economy, convenience and health for all the inhabitants of Lokoja.

This project was carried out by Bulamari Global Services Limited in conjunction with Envicons Team Consultants Limited and Nat. Environmental Design Associates. The project which produced four stages of reports presented recommendations to mitigate climate change effects in Lokoja and improve its sustainability and resilience.  

It was carried out through a process of data collection of relevant physical, environmental and socio-economic data/information through questionnaire survey, interviews, field observations, and photography; stakeholder meetings, data analysis, and the development of a detailed mitigation plan with phases and cost estimations for implementation.