Envicons Homes


With a focus on housing delivery, Envicons Homes aspires be at the forefront in the development of sustainable and affordable homes in Nigeria.


Housing Development

We are involved in the construction of housing units at a commercial scale with particular focus on affordability towards practical contribution in reducing Nigeria’s housing deficit.

Estate Management

We management estates owned or contracted by other developers and ensure the provision of necessary services including water and electricity supply, sewage and waste management, security provision, landscaping and sanitation, etc.

Parks and Recreation Development & Management

We develop and management parks for active and passive recreation including design and construction of park (including park elements), promotion and publicity, and park maintenance.

“Over 30 per cent of Nigerians, translating to nearly 62 million people are now facing serious housing challenges, while 80 per cent of the country’s 206 million people live in informal housing, plagued by problems related to poor quality and inadequate infrastructure.”
- Uzo Onukwubiri